A Backward Glance

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 16: Old Testament, Isaiah 51:1-6                                

Isaiah 51:1-6

One challenge that I see facing the Christian Church in this age of hyper technology, A.I., Chat GPT and an ever-expanding internet is the importance of history. And specifically our history. The Old Testament passage we hear and consider this week enjoins us to look back on where “we” began and the founding couple of our faith. Isaiah speaks the word of the LORD and that word calls us to remember Abraham and Sarah. We, as God’s people, had a beginning and the start God gave to His earthly family began with a calling, a blessing and the increase only God can provide (Isaiah 51:1).

Here, the Lord’s people were in need of comfort. They needed reminding that God had begun the work of rescue with promises laid at the feet of a pagan from Ur of the Chaldees. God didn’t wait until Abraham and Sarah had His program for them figured out. God barely waited at all before laying out His plan. But the basis of the plan at the outset, and throughout their lives together (I mean the three of them), was PROMISES.

As you read this passage you will encounter God making sure that all His children understand or at least hear that He will do it all. We are called to follow His voice, His Word, but the fruit of the following will never be in doubt: “My salvation will be forever, and My righteousness will not be abolished” (v.6). God promised to be all that Abraham and Sarah would ever need.It was true for those to whom Isaiah gave his reminder. The same is true for us. God be praised!


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