Am I Listening?

Posted by Craig Britton on

All Saints (Observed): First Reading, Revelation 2:9-17            

Revelation 2:9-17

Near the beginning of the final book of the Bible we find seven letters. Letters to churches that existed in the ancient world. Separated we are from them by centuries of time, language, and vastly different culture. For all of that separation, for all the distinctions there is something necessary and common to us all: we must hear the Word of the Lord. And not just hearing in the passive sense. So perhaps it would be better to put it this way: we all need to LISTEN to the Word of the Lord. Actively. Prayerfully. And with a high degree of malleability. In other words, I need to approach my listening all the while acknowledging that listening may not be enough.

This is where it gets tough. I cannot change the ravages of the sinful nature that are a part of who I am, even as an image bearer of God. I cannot wish away my weaknesses or grit my teeth hard enough to drive the darkness from my heart. It must be done by Another. I am cleansed, freed, and accepted by the work of another. But that work is accomplished always by the Word of the Lord. And the Christians who received these apostolic words from the blessed John, were in need of change and growth and holiness. It would only be accomplished as they digested the Word of God in such a way that the door for true change would be left open. The Bible has a way of accomplishing just that.

These ancient churches in Revelation 2 are our family. We will meet our brothers and sisters one day. I believe they will report to us the faithfulness of our God in leading them home. And while what we do (or fail to do) doesn’t gain us standing for our salvation, there is the matter of family resemblance to the Savior. And that, they would say, comes from listening well. From listening well.


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