Because of Who Said It

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday of Easter: Gospel, John 14:1-14                             

John 14:1-14

John chapter fourteen is known by Bible loving Christians as the chapter where Jesus lays out His absolute exclusivity as the One who warrants our trust. For forgiveness, life, and salvation. It’s the locale of His, “I am the way, the truth, and the life” statement. He follows by declaring that in Him, and only in Him do we have the gifts He offers. But a bit earlier in the chapter He is also speaking of the blessings of God including a dwelling place. And it’s a dwelling place of His procuring. Because He leads the construction project. 

When His disciples are beginning to get nervous regarding His departure and one who would betray, He comforts them by reminding them that following His departure would come His return. And it would be a gathering event. “If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2b)? Jesus comes to us as the Father’s faithful Son to do and accomplish all the Father has set in motion. He is the One behind the name given by Isaiah: Immanuel, which means God with us. 

Well, part of what God has set in motion is that not only is God to be with us, but He is also working to ensure that we will be with Him. Forever. It’s one of the things about the Christian faith that absolutely blows any other religion from contention when considering options. Because there are no real options. God comes to His people to secure eternal life together. How precious it is to realize that God would rather die than live without us. He dies for us to make us His own. He has left us for a season (at least physically) that He might prepare a place suited for a forever fellowship. I trust it’s true because I know who made the promise, “If it were not so, would I have told you?” Those are words from Jesus. That’s good enough for me.


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