Calling for a Cross

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday in Lent: Gospel, Mark 10:35-45                           

Mark 10:35-45 

They don’t know what they’re asking for. Jesus says as much to the two disciples asking for places of priority and honor in His kingdom. Read carefully and ponder. It was a lot of years of reading this gospel before I was “let in” on just what Jesus was saying to His dear friends. They were asking for something that was far beyond their perception. But it is amazing they were so very specific in their request. “Grant us to sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom” (10:37).

Jesus will take his throne. But it will be long before what the two have in mind. Jesus' throne is His cross and to sit at His right and left is to simply and stunningly occupy the crosses at either of Jesus’ hands. Jesus knows what they are asking even if they don’t and He lets them know that the Father has predetermined who will occupy the hill of despair with Him. Jesus also is honest with the two in letting them know that their end will be like His as they drink His cup and undergo His baptism (great clues that the sacraments are so much more than we usually consider). They will enter into His death as Jesus will sanctify all dying. They will surely taste death and that for the sake of the Name. But the life to be had on the other side is beyond description. Just as surely as Jesus’ suffering will be.

No. The two vocal disciples do not know what they ask. And their Master, I think, is glad they don’t. After all, He has come expressly so that they will not have to endure the Father’s face turned away. He came to save us from that, as well.

“Jesus, keep me near the cross …”


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