
Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday in Easter: Gospel, John 15:1-8                           

John 15:1-8

So familiar. So quoted and referenced. This is one of those Bible texts that many millions have committed to memory. Or at least portions of it. It speaks of closeness to the Source. It speaks of listening to the Word of that Source. And it calls us to stay within earshot. Jesus starts early on by claiming to be “the true vine.” Throughout the Old Testament, a vine points to Israel and Jesus has it right. Jesus is the true Israel. All that God planned and purposed for His Old Covenant people is fulfilled perfectly in one Man. All of those tied into this Vine, connected and nourished, find all they need. Our tragedy lies in how often we seek nourishment and satisfaction in other sources. I know I do. And they never supply what I need. 

We are good at speaking and living around the idea that our Lord is the source of life. At the start. But we often forget that we need Him just as much for all the steps and breaths He gives. Stay connected to the Vine. Ask Him to keep you close. It’s a request He loves to freely grant.

He is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!


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