For Whom?

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 12: Epistle, Romans 8:28-39                                      

Romans 8:28-39

My focus today is the one verse in this reading that Christian disciples run to again and again. And it is highly appropriate that we love verse 28 which reads, 

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Who wouldn’t love and cling to the promise declared here? But I want to point us to the back half of this verse (while encouraging you to read the entire passage cited above-and more). “... for those who are called according to his purpose.” It’s a most critical phrase. We must, MUST see ourselves as called according to his purpose. In what? In everything. The joys, the blessings, the scope of the greatness of salvation all “settle in” when we begin to grasp and then walk in the calling of his purpose. Now I want to insert a caveat just at this point. We, the larger church, have heard many messages in the past few decades about finding God’s purpose for you and me. That’s not what Paul is pointing to here. Paul is writing here about the grand, big-picture purpose of God fulfilling His will by calling You into fellowship through His Son. And all that goes with it.

So often we see purpose (or perhaps God’s will) with a “me” focus. Not in Romans 8. We are blessed. Our lives are infinitely enriched and all that God does for us IS GOOD. But it is because He has purposed us into life with and from His Son. That is the highest good for us. And it is a great place to live. We are called for Him, placed into Him, and find our home in Him. Why would we want to go anywhere else? It’s all for Him.


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