Holding Fast

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 21: Epistle, Philippians 2:14-18                    

Phillippians 2:14-18

We’ve all been challenged I’m sure through the past few months. Schedules have changed. Daily process has altered, for some almost beyond measure with a new illness or a job change or loss. School practices aren’t now, and may never be what they were. And everyone has their own opinion on everything. Hold on!

This week’s epistle lesson, the last portion has the answer to all of this. Paul expresses this as “holding fast to the word of life” (Phil. 2:16). Paul treasures this congregation at Philippi as we noted last week. And the counsel he gives this young church befits the heart he has for them. At the beginning of this chapter we have what may have well been one of the earliest hymns of the church. It calls us to consider the power of the Lord Jesus and his emptying himself of his prerogatives as God. Not that we never saw them expressed in his life among us, but he didn’t depend on them. 

Paul goes on to exhort us to live with the same sense of abandon to the will of God no matter what he calls us to relinquish in our earthly trek homeward. The result is the glory of God. “Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling,” says Paul. And all the while we are to remember to hold fast to Christ because he is supplying all we need to express the power of his resurrection among us.

The world is full of grumblers, complainers and those who could do it better. Anything better. Paul charges us not to be that way, but shine as lights in the world. Humbling ourselves by the power of Christ toward the likeness of Christ dispels darkness as we hold fast to Christ. And the world will not only be better because of our efforts, but it will actually change. Christians and non-Christians alike will have their daily schedules and uncertainties blessed into a much more sensible way of life. And for those not yet belonging to Jesus, perhaps our living as heavenly lights will bring them to hold fast right along with us. Hold on for the ride. And hold fast to the word of life.


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