If You Had Been There

Posted by Craig Britton on with 1 Comments

Lent 5: Holy Gospel, John 11:1-45

One of the most poignant accounts in all of Holy Scripture comes from John in chapter 11 of his gospel. It is familiar territory for lovers of the Bible for several reasons, chief of which may be that Jesus displays His power of death in the raising of his dear friend, Lazarus. But the route to the miracle in John 11 takes on some side roads including staying put and drawn out conversation. As we remarked in a devotion last week, “Jesus can you just get to the good stuff?” Jesus receives word of his friend’s illness and stays where he is. Some friend. Then after making the decision to travel, Jesus informs his band that his friend, Lazarus is dead. After some wrangling over death is sleep-sleep is death, they arrive.

Jesus is confronted by one of the sisters of Lazarus named Martha and in short order she states, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died” (11:21). A wonderful exchange follows and Jesus declares to Martha that her hopes must find their target in the one to whom she speaks. Martha then makes a marvelous confession and sister two comes into the picture. Dear Mary, whom we’re told had anointed our Lord’s head and feet with oil, also gets to the point with her Master, “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died” (11:32). Familiar? Yes but there is a shift of sorts in the Lord himself. Jesus beheld Mary’s tears and John writes, “he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled” (v.33). Then “Jesus wept” (v.35).

Then in one last question, some of the gathered mourners queried if Jesus could open the eyes of a blind man, could he not have prevented the death of their friend? Verse 38 records that Jesus, yet again, was “deeply moved.” Why? Why this depth of emotion both felt and displayed? Jesus knew well what was coming. Lazarus wasn’t long for the tomb and yet …. Jesus felt it. Jesus took it all in. And before his glorious and triumphant miracle he allowed himself all the way into the grief of his dear friends. This was no cheap sentimentalism. Tears. Depth of emotion. Grief. From God the Son.

The two sisters had asked, “Lord, if you had been here …? He was there. From the first of their trouble. With all his heart. He was.

  1. Has Jesus ever made you wait? In your thinking, what is it that makes Jesus present?
  2. Where can you and I find Jesus today?

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Dale Kleimola Mar 28, 2020 12:14pm

Word and sacrament....eventually we will joyfully receive the Lord's meal!
