Knowing God

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 11: Old Testament, Isaiah 44:6-8                               

Isaiah 44:6-8 

The title above begs a question. Or it should. Before we even ask the question, “Can anyone know God?,” we need to ask, “What God?”. If you haven’t noticed, our society ranges a gamut that declares no god at all, to those who literally have millions of gods in the panoply of their “worship.” We have a revealed religion. I stress that in every class I teach because even Christians have either largely forgotten that truth or have never really thought it through. You and I, as believers in the God of the Bible have Him and only Him to thank that we have been introduced.

In Isaiah, chapters 44-48, we have a marvelous display of the nature of God-the kind of God He is-and the stamp of His absolute reality and uniqueness finds no greater display in all the Bible. The text this week includes one of the greatest passages proving that the Redeemer of Israel is indeed YAHWEH and is distinct from other persons of the Godhead (v.6). And the passage includes a statement from YAHWEH Himself that He is God and there is no other (v. 8). Those two truths alone take some real mental grinding.

It’s good to remember that the Old Testament was the Bible of Jesus, the apostles, and the earliest disciples of the Nazarene. As one of my professors used to say, “God did not make a mistake by inspiring two-thirds of the Bible to be the Old Testament.” God is there in His fullness. And from the beginning it has been His desire that all His creation knows Him. And because of Him, we can.

God be praised!


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