Loving the Dead

Posted by Craig Britton on

Fourth Sunday in Advent: Epistle, Ephesians 2:1-10                  

Ephesians 2:1-10

“The Walking Dead,” “Night of the Living Dead,” and “Dead Poet Society.” All have that ugly and unpleasant “D” word in the title of their film. And the title of this meditation also includes it. What is up? What’s the deal?

Well, in Paul’s letter to the Christian congregation in Ephesus, he references the fact that God loved us, not only before we knew about it, but He also loved us “even when we were dead in our trespasses” (v. 4a). Loving the dead, the spiritually dead is something that only God, by nature, would have interest in. Our epistle reading this week is all about that. So, as I do very rarely, I am going to refrain from commenting any further and simply ask you to read and ponder this passage for the week. You should also feel free to read in both directions from our reading above. The entire letter is only six chapters and can be read through in twenty minutes or so.

All you need is love, says the old song. What we need is God’s love and He loves the dead. No kidding. Grab your bible and read it for yourself. Because in the bible, there’s life after death. Good life. God’s life.

Blessed Lent.


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