Never Alone

Posted by Craig Britton on

Easter 6: Gospel, John 14:15-21

Last week we looked at Jesus’ focus on His Father and how He is our true destination. As the passage develops we are let in on the fact that Jesus, His Father and the Holy Spirit are all moving in our direction as well. And as long as we have breath here, we will never be without them. Having the sure knowledge of the Father and that our relationship with the Son opens that door, we are moved to ask the Father directly for whatever we need (14:15).

Jesus goes on in this week’s reading to reveal that relationship with Him opens a desire to do what He commands and that He is willing to grant to us personally,  the Spirit of God that we might accomplish that otherwise impossible task. “Another helper,” Jesus calls him. Another helper of the same kind would be a strong translation. And Jesus also refers to Him as “the Spirit of truth.” What grace. What provision. There’s also a great change for the disciples of Jesus here as the economy changes from the Spirit accompanying God’s people to the Spirit taking up residence in them (14:17). What Paul will later refer to as believers being temples of the Holy Spirit. Why that’s almost too grand to bear.

Jesus isn’t done. He goes on to say that He and the Spirit are dwelling in us and the Son is “in my Father.” It’s a roundabout way to say it here, but later on Jesus will clarify that indeed the Father will take up residence in us as well. It does make sense. The three Persons are the One God. It is so much more than “Jesus lives in my heart.” The  immeasurable, infinite Triune God dwells within each one.

Love and presence. The believer is not left an orphan Jesus says. Love eternally shared within the three persons of the Godhead is now a gift by the Trinity’s indwelling with the disciple who follows and is purchased by the Son. Purchased and raised by the power of the Spirit for reunion with the Father. A reunion that is incomplete without you and me. Again, too good to be possible. But it is. Never, ever alone.

  1. Listen for and rejoice in every reference to the Holy Trinity in the service(s) you access this weekend. Soli Deo Gloria!

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