Peace Be With You

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday in Easter: Gospel, John 20:19-31                           

John 20:19-31

The evening of the resurrection bears great weight in the mission of the Christian Church. Why, you ask? Because on that evening Jesus spoke words which I believe He meant all the church’s pastors to cling to for all their lives and service to their King. By extension those words are a blessing to all Christ’s people. But in the passage above three times these words come from the lips of Jesus: “Peace be with you.” 

All these are spoken to his chosen “eleven.” And the last instance, He speaks them to one troubled, it seems beyond the others. Although, if hearts were revealed I think we might find the same trial of questioning in more than just dear Thomas.

Yes, this peace is spoken to the first pastors. And through them to everyone given that mantle. If you are blessed as I am to have a pastor (and I have a great one), speak this blessing often to them. They carry a great burden. Joyful yes, but heavy still. Speak the Lord’s blessing of peace to your pastor as often as it comes to mind. And also, the Lord’s peace to you, dear reader.

Christ is Risen! He is risen, indeed. Alleluia!


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