The Narrowing Scope
Third Sunday after Epiphany: Epistle, 1 Corinthians 7:29-31
1 Corinthians 7:29-31
Just this very morning I was speaking to a brother in Christ about how my “circle of care,” as I term it, is shrinking. In our epistle reading today Paul is in one sense saying the same thing. What do you value? Where do you invest your time? What is the endgame that drives your every day? Paul is saying don’t be too attached to what fades fastest. And not detachment in some Buddhist, float-through-the-atmosphere kind of way. But where is the heart and mind attached and do you and I know where those attachments should be? I think Paul’s good counsel is that yes, we probably do know. But it’s always the issue isn’t it of how what we know to be true really affects our choices.
In the days in which we live I first need to remember that just as I cannot bring myself into the Kingdom of God, I cannot keep myself there. It’s all grace and mercy from our Triune God. So that should cause my attachments to be grounded in what belongs to that Kingdom. Narrow the scope of your cares, concern, and loves, Christian. The world around us is passing away. Boy, is it ever.
“Christ and Kingdom!” That’s where I want my focus. By God’s grace, join me.