
Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 22: Gospel, Matthew 21:33-46                                          

Matthew 21:33-46

One of those stories. You know. The kind Jesus tells to make a point that His disciples can carry into the next day, next month, next town, next …. The vineyard owner establishes and then does everything he can to protect his center of commerce. And he hires those who he believes will guard and promote his interests. All indications would indicate that he would be the type of owner who would justly compensate. So we don’t have any reason to suspect that the hires would be corrupt. Well, unless we look in the mirror and recognize the nearly limitless threat that greed poses to us all.

One manager after another is sent to check on the well-planned progress. But theirs is hindered. Stopped in their tracks through violent opposition, the son of the owner is finally sent. His progress is not merely hindered, but brought to an end. With a well-placed citation of Isaiah, Jesus puts in the knife, not to harm but to awaken. There’s no indicator that the rabbi’s words hit their target that afternoon. But Jesus was always scattering seeds. With hope. 

The benefit of a well-planned and blood-purchased Kingdom is not for a few. It is for all. Before the owner’s son was sent, everything pointed forward to him. And since round one seemingly ended in his demise, well the father, having already accomplished the primary objective through the work of his son, is still finding ways to get folks to look back at the price paid to realize the harvest is for them. The Son is for them.

“Love Divine, all loves excelling …” It’s a fitting soundtrack for the stories of Jesus.


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