
Posted by Craig Britton on

Fifth Sunday in Easter: Epistle, 1 John 4:1-11                           

1 John 4:1-11

First John is primarily about the love of God in Jesus. And about the walking out of our new lives in that received love. So it could be a bit startling when we turn the page to chapter four of the letter. It begins with a warning about false teachers. And false teaching. We live in a day when we hear about God-if we hear about God-that the “love side” is always emphasized. In our day and age to speak of God as anything but loving is only to perpetuate that awful judgmental streak in those awful Christians who take pot shots at everyone else. And God certainly can’t be behind anything except full tolerance and acceptance of everyone.

Welcome to the New Testament. Much of it is actually written to counter false ideas about God and His teaching. And here John gives a strong command to God’s people to NOT bow to all teaching about God, but rather to test its source. John identifies the false sources as the spirit of antichrist. The one against Christ. And this is always the world’s view of God. Why? Because the world always starts with its own “word” about God rather than God’s. Every single time.

God is love. And it is this very epistle that tells us so, in fact that statement is found in our very reading. So why not focus on that? I am. Love gives, forgives, and fosters new life. But love also warns. And why? Because love also keeps. So warn away, dear Lord and give us ears to hear.

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!


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