What's the Point

Posted by Craig Britton on

Proper 22: Gospel, Matthew 21:33-46                                 

Matthew 21:33-46

Our gospel this week begins with these words, “Hear another parable.” I cannot help but see Jesus here as saying, in effect, “Here’s another good one.” And when one considers this is the God of the universe addressing his creatures, it brings storytelling to an entirely different level.

New direction. These are serious stories for the most part and our Lord employs them in ways that are meant to target heart and mind. If we read ahead for the conclusion of this parable let’s consider the reaction of those who are targeted. Verses 45-46 read, “When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard his parables, they perceived that he was speaking about them. And although they were seeking to arrest him, they feared the crowds, because they held him to be a prophet.” 

So not just at the conclusion of this parable, but throughout his ministry, Jesus was a “marked man.” The parable concerns them. In other words, Jesus truly desires that they would have been in the receiving mode when God made effort to communicate with them. Servants sent. Prophetic warnings. And all to give them the benefit of seeing real fruit produced that would have blessed them and honored their God. Instead, with hard hearts they elect to mistreat the messengers sent and kill the Son of the “Sender”. Notice too, that when it came time to end the son’s life, they “threw him out of the vineyard.” In other words, he was walking where he should have walked. The vineyard, no doubt, is a symbol for Israel, and Jesus the Messiah was sent there first. Very, very sad.

So whereas storytelling usually has a pleasant component, the “stories” of Jesus do have a different twist. In this setting God is crying to his people, “Listen to me. Pay attention. Take heed of something that should be ‘marvelous in our eyes.’” Once again the hard hearts lock out the fruit-producing message of a Kingdom meant to bless. Their fear of the people and their delight in human accolade and power combined to shut out the message that was meant for measureless joy, but ended rather in murder. Again, so very sad.

The lesson is that whenever Jesus speaks, there’s a point. When Jesus preaches there’s a point. When Jesus gathers little ones on his knee and blesses, there’s a point. And when Jesus tells a story, there’s a point. I hope we get it.


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