Work of the Word

Posted by Craig Britton on

Third Sunday after Epiphany: Old Testament, Jonah 3:1-5, 10                      

Jonah 3:1-5, 10 

The third chapter begins with words not unfamiliar in the Old Testament. Pointed specifically at the main character of the book, “Now the word of the LORD came to …” (3:1). It is fairly impossible for a lover of the Bible to read those words on this side of the cross and tomb without thinking about the Lord Jesus. And that’s because in the prologue of the gospel through John we have Jesus introduced to us as “the Word.” And I don’t think it out of bounds to think of Jesus visiting the recipients of His Word. Jesus always comes with His Word and the ongoing mystery of Person and Proclamation endures.

Next we encounter Jonah’s obedience to that Word. “So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD” (3:3). Note his obedience was according to the Word. Here I take this to mean not a simple, mechanical response of God says to, so I will. Although that is a part of it. When you and I are given the gift of receiving the word of the LORD something else goes on besides a transaction. Jonah responds according to that word, embracing everything that comes with it. The Author, His character, His attributes, and His plan. 

Now I don’t want to add something that isn’t in the text. But I think when you read chapter three and you know what we know about Jonah rejecting the Word which came to him a couple chapters earlier that Jonah has learned not only that the voice of God is worth obeying, but the God whose voice it is, is close enough to be known. Jonah doesn’t get everything right. But God has caused a change in the man, himself. God’s Word always does.


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