No One Told Him

Posted by Craig Britton on

Third Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Genesis 3:8-15                       Genesis 3:8-15 I would venture that most of those who read these meditations regularly know the account of our first parents in the garden. First man...

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Just Like Everything Else

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel, Mark 2:23-28                       Mark 2:23-28  Our gospel text this week highlights a truth that any reader of the gospels will encounter again and again: Jesus is for us. And not just in...

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Admitting Weakness

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Epistle, 2 Corinthians 4:5-12                          2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Watch Paul. Watch all the writers of Holy Scripture and you find a theme creeping into their output. The theme is...

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Rest and Deliverance

Posted by Craig Britton on

Second Sunday after Pentecost: Old Testament, Deuteronomy 5:12-15              Deuteronomy 5:12-15  Now we enter the long season of the church calendar finally interrupted by the observance in late October of Reformation Sunday. But I love this season...

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Opened Eyes

Posted by Craig Britton on

Trinity Sunday: Gospel, John 3:1-17                                      John 3:1-17 Do you know the exchange in John 3 between Jesus and Nicodemus, the “teacher of Israel”? Many of you...

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This Jesus. He’s all we need.

Posted by Craig Britton on

Trinity Sunday: Second Reading, Acts 2:14a, 22-36                Acts 2:14a, 22-36 Fitting for Trinity Sunday that perhaps the second Person of the Trinity is mentioned in our reading by the tag, “This Jesus” three times. You could see...

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Angels are Real World Beings

Posted by Craig Britton on

Trinity Sunday: Old Testament, Isaiah 6:1-8                                  Isaiah 6:1-8 Each time this text rolls into our lectionary I have to pause. A great Reformed professor by the name of R. C. Sproul...

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Early Memorization

Posted by Craig Britton on

Seventh Sunday in Easter: Epistle,  1 John 5:9-15                      1 John 5:9-15 I was a junior at the University of Oregon studying music when the Lord got a hold of me, focused my attention on Him, and granted me the gifts of...

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An Even Dozen

Posted by Craig Britton on

Seventh Sunday in Easter: First Lesson, Acts 1:12-26                           Acts 1:12-26 Twelve is a number figuring prominently for the people of God. We see the Old Covenant people founded on that number of tribes. And...

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Just Ponder

Posted by Craig Britton on

Sixth Sunday in Easter: Gospel, John 15:9-17                               John 15:9-17 It seems to me I have been a bit wordy in several of my latest offerings so I am giving you a break. Not from all activities...

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