Proper 11: Epistle, Romans 8:18-27
Continuing in one of the most celebrated and celebratory chapters in the whole Bible, we continue to run into the work of the Spirit of God. Hardly mentioned in the first seven chapters or this letter, chapter eight nearly erupts with the presence and power of...
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Proper 11: Old Testament, Isaiah 44:6-8
Most of us would, I think, say that the most important thing about ourselves is ourselves. In other words, our true identity from the inside out, is what we want others to know of us and is that to which we desire to be true. Jesus is having a discussion...
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Proper 10: Gospel, Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
Stories and Parables. Poetry and Prophecy. The Bible is a volume filled with stories. And the divine Author utilized such a variety of forms of story and instruction that I am sure anyone, with an open mind, could find something from the Divine Word that...
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Proper 10: Epistle, Romans 8:12-17
Every time I look at our two sons, although they are fine men with children of their own, I still marvel that they belong to us. Under our Heavenly Father and theirs we have been given the most special of relationships with these guys. They’re ours...
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Proper 10: Old Testament, Isaiah 55:10-13
I’m excited to take a look at this passage from the prophet Isaiah this week because I am teaching a class on the prophets this coming weekend. Isaiah has been one of my main resting places in the past days and Isaiah 55 gives to us one of the...
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Proper 9: Gospel, Matthew 11:25-30
If you remember, Kimber gave us a wonderful peeking into God’s heart as she gave her meditation on our Old Testament reading in Zechariah 9. Well this week closes with our Lord praying and coaxing in Matthew chapter 11. Praying to His Father and coaxing...
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Proper 9: Epistle, Romans 7:14-25a
So we find ourselves this week at one of those places in the Bible that has caused the spilling of much ink, the voicing of many opinions and I dare say probably a raised voice or two in its discussion. But that is a good thing. Why? Because it means that...
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Proper 9: Old Testament, Zechariah 9:9–12
Have you ever been identified by your association with someone else? In school being so-and-so’s little brother or sister can mean you have a reputation far different than the one you could earn yourself. To be sure, this reputation could be...
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Proper 8:Gospel, Matthew 10:34-42
“Do not think I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword” (Matthew 10:34). Now that’s a picture of Jesus I really like. Enough with all this mamby-pamby, peace on earth, Hallmark Christmas card...
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Proper 8: Epistle, Romans 7:1-13
Law and order. “The rule of law.” These are phrases that have been catapulted to the very front lines of American society in the past few weeks. It used to be that the great consensus among Americans was that law and order was a good thing. A...
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