Easter 5: First Reading, Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a, 51-60
Do you have “friends” in the Bible? Do you have those with whom you relate because you see yourself in them or them in you? Or … or do you have those whose lives which you aspire to emulate? Those can be fine friends as well...
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Easter 4: Gospel, John 10:1-10
Does it surprise you how many times shepherds and sheep are spoken of in the Bible? Goodness they are everywhere. Almost from the outset. David is a shepherd. The Hebrew word for “king” has connotations of shepherd. The opening of Psalm 23 which we...
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Easter 4: Second Reading, 1 Peter 2:19-25
“Opposites attract,” or “He’s so cute,” or “I can’t pass on that deal.” All those comments have to do with one thing. They all point to things that relate to being attracted to something or someone. What...
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Easter 4: First Reading, Acts 2:42-47
I honestly don’t know if there is any single book of the Bible that is more exciting to me than the Book of Acts. If you want to see what Jesus meant for the church in terms of their life, their dependence, their doctrine, AND the ground of their...
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Easter 3: Gospel, Luke 24:13-35
If you are a Bible teacher, then you must love this passage. It is the quintessential Bible class given on the go with no prep, no quiz and only one installment. The Emmaus Road encounter between Jesus and a couple of his companions on the very night of the...
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Easter 3: Second Reading, 1 Peter 1:17-25
We’re going to look at the end of this reading for our meditation today. In last week’s second reading we were told in chapter one, verse three of 1 Peter, that our new birth was grounded in the resurrection of Jesus. Today we’re...
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Easter 3: First Reading, Acts 2:14a; 36-41
This is St. Peter on Pentecost. Not the first Pentecost mind you, but the working out of God’s plan to bring Pentecost to its fulfillment in Christ Jesus. I am one who believes the Book of Acts has enormous lessons for the church. Not just the...
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Easter 2: Gospel, John 20:19-31
Just now with our “quarantine experience” so much a part of our lives, I’d wager some of us would like to jump in our vehicles and go visit someone … anyone. We cannot do that at present. Hopefully soon. But in this week’s gospel...
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Easter 2: Second Reading, 1 Peter 1:3-9
Very much like last week’s Second Reading from Colossians chapter 3, this Sunday’s Second Reading is virtually pregnant with anticipated life. I love the Apostle Peter. Clear thinking. Focused love. Resolve filled with a sense of ...
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Easter 2: First Reading, Acts 5:33-42
Oh man! This is a good one. Once again context demands we read a bit before the reading so head back to at least verse 17 to get a good running start. The disciples, in jail for preaching Christ have been miraculously set free (so easy to just read that...
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